Kunstpalast - LVR-ZMB - Annette Hiller

Lido, 1963

ArtistUrsula Schultze-Bluhm, Mittenwalde 1921–1999 Köln
Oil on canvas
(H x W)80 × 100 cm
on display, room 027
About the workThe poet and artist URSULA – as Ursula Schultze-Bluhm called herself from 1954 – was a self-taught painter. Over the years, she developed her own colourful and detailed figurative language. This work is also densely populated by fanciful creatures and nebulous forms. Like a hidden-object picture, there is something to be seen everywhere, but the scenes themselves remain enigmatic.
AccessionKemp Collection Foundation
Provenance(Am 26.1.1964 Willi Kemp erworben von der Künstlerin)(Dezember 1963 Willi Kemp erworben von der Künstlerin); 2011 Stiftung Sammlung Kemp im Kunstpalast erworben durch Schenkung Willi Kemp
Inventory number0.mkp.2011.Kemp178