Jugendbildnis des vorübergehend erblindeten Landschaftsmalers Wilhelm Klein
Youth Portrait of the Temporarily Blind Landscape Painter Wilhelm Klein
Kunstpalast - Horst Kolberg - ARTOTHEK

Youth Portrait of the Temporarily Blind Landscape Painter Wilhelm Klein, 1834

ArtistJohann Wilhelm Schirmer, Jülich 1807–1863 Karlsruhe
MediumOil on canvas
Dimensions without frame33,5 × 30,3 cm
Dimensions with frame48,7 × 45,4 × 5,5 cm
on display, room 010.2
About the workWilhelm Klein was about ten years old when he became a pupil at the Düsseldorf Art Academy. From 1835, he studied under Johann Wilhelm Schirmer, who realised this portrait of him. Like Schirmer, Klein painted landscapes throughout his life. It is not known why the young painter became temporarily blind. Although his oeuvre is largely forgotten today, Klein was able to continue studying successfully after his recovery and his works featured in many exhibitions.
AccessionAcquisition 2007
Provenanceo.D. evtl. aus dem Nachlass des Künstlers Wilhelm Klein; [...] spätestens 2007 Kunsthandel Andreas Wesemeyer, Köln; 2007 angekauft vom Kunsthandel A. Wesemeyer
Inventory numberM 2007-8