Das Gleichnis von den klugen und törichten Jungfrauen (unvollendet)
The Sagacious and the Fatuous Virgins (unfinished)
Kunstpalast - Horst Kolberg - ARTOTHEK

The Sagacious and the Fatuous Virgins (unfinished), 1813–1816

ArtistPeter von Cornelius, Düsseldorf 1783–1867 Berlin
MediumOil over pencil, on canvas
Dimensions without frame114 × 155,2 cm
Dimensions with frame136 × 175 × 11,5 cm
not on display
About the workPeter von Cornelius became the first director of the Prussian Academy of Arts in Düsseldorf in 1819. Before that, he had belonged to the Catholic Lukasbund (Brotherhood of Saint Luke), which was founded in Rome. Its members looked to Italian artists such as Raphael for inspiration. This panel painting is a highly regarded early work by the artist, which demonstrates his Italian influence as well as his linear, austere style. Cornelius had begun the picture on an educational trip through Italy, but had then left it unfinished in Florence.
AccessionAcquisition 1861
Provenance1819 Joseph Anton Koch, Rom, erhalten vom Künstler; [...]; 1861 „Verein zur Errichtung einer Gemälde-Gallerie zu Düsseldorf“ angekauft auf der Allgemeinen Deutschen Historischen Kunstausstellung zu Köln aus dem Nachlass von Joseph Anton Koch; 1913 übernommen in die Städtischen Kunstsammlungen zu Düsseldorf (heute Kunstpalast Düsseldorf)

Inventory numberM 4011