Dünen mit Mondsichel
Dunes with Crescent Moon
Kunstpalast - ARTOTHEK Lyonel Feininger © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

Dunes with Crescent Moon, 1937

ArtistLyonel Feininger, New York 1871–1956 New York
Oil on canvas
(H x W)43,5 × 72,5 cm
on display, room 023
About the workBorn in the USA, Lyonel Feininger spent most of his life in Germany. In 1919, he was one of the first masters to be appointed to the Bauhaus in Weimar. In 1937, he fled to his home city of New York. This work was likely realised before he emigrated, because he did not resume painting in the USA until two years later. The viewer’s gaze roams over the dunes in the distance, which are composed of angular lines and geometric shapes. The warm yellow and brown tones of the sand merge with the blue of the sky, creating an atmospheric, dreamlike landscape.

In 1937, he fled to his home city of New York.
AccessionAcquisition 1955
Provenance1937 vermutlich mit der Ausreise des Künstlers in die USA auch dorthin gelangt; mind. 11. - 29.3.1941 Buchholz Gallery, New York, Ausstellung "Lyonel Feininger"; [...]; Juli - August 1941 ausgestellt im Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan; [...]; 18.2. - 22.3.1942 Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Massachusetts; o.D. Charles Samson Jr., USA; ? - 1955 Galerie Alex Vömel, Düsseldorf; 3.10.1955 angekauft von der Galerie Alex Vömel
Inventory number0.1955.5312
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