Gedenkblatt zur Eröffnung des Konzils 1869 in Rom
Commemorative sheet for the opening of the 1869 Council in Rome
Foto: Kunstpalast - LVR-ZMB - Joshua Esters

Commemorative sheet for the opening of the 1869 Council in Rome, 1869

ArtistJohann Baptist Wilhelm Adolf Sonderland, Düsseldorf 1805–1878 Düsseldorf
ArtistMoritz Ulffers, Hamburg 1819–1902 Düsseldorf
Artistnach Caspar Johann Nepomuk Scheuren, Aachen 1810–1887 Düsseldorf
Publishing houseC.F. Calow's Kunsthandlung, Köln, active ca. 1869–1883
MediumColour lithograph with golden tone
Sheet dimensions70,1 × 56,5 cm
Image dimensions49,8 × 38,2 cm
not on display
About the workThe Catholic artist Caspar Scheuren worked for the Church on several occasions. In 1869, he created a commemorative print for the opening of the First Vatican Council in Rome. On 8 December 1869, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, over 700 bishops and monastic abbots from all over the world gathered in the Holy City. They met in the northern transept of St Peter’s Basilica, the focus of the artist’s depiction. The doctrine of papal infallibility, which is still valid today, was elevated to the status of dogma at this council. This image is a colour lithograph with a gold tone.
AccessionAcquisition 1919
Provenance[...]; 1.5.1919 angekauft von Fritz Bürmann
Inventory numberK 1919-587