Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Foto: LVR-ZMB - A. Hiller/ARTOTHEK

Chest, ca. 1800–1850

Walnut, carvings, mother-of-pearl inlays
(H x W x D)92 × 122 × 56 cm
Place of originDimashq
on display, room 011
About the workArabic houses were typically decorated with carpets, cushions and low tables, furnishings that encouraged people to spend leisurely time with family and friends. Before the twentieth century, cupboards and other similar items were rare; chests and trunks were used to store valuable and important things instead. Merchants needed containers that were also portable, like this elaborately carved chest with a matching base.
AccessionAcquisition 1887
Provenance[...]; bis 2.2.1887 Dr. Franz Johann Joseph Bock, Kanonikus, Geistlicher und Kunsthistoriker (Aachen-Burtscheid 1823-1899 Aachen); 2.2.1887 - 1927 ehem. Kunstgewerbemuseum Düsseldorf (1883-1927) angekauft von Bock; 1927 übernommen aus dem Kunstgewerbemuseum
Inventory numberP 11454