Trinkgefäß mit violetten Henkeln
Drinking vessel with violet-coloured handles
Foto: Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf

Drinking vessel with violet-coloured handles, 18th century

MediumBlue-green and violet glass, blown
(H x W x D)20,2 × 14,3 × 12,8 cm
Place of originAndalucía
on display, room G 06
About the workThis glass matches drinking vessels made of unglazed ceramic that were common in the south of Spain. Thanks to the four bulges of the “cantarella” or “alcarraza”, several people could use it without having to put their lips in the same place. Ceramic cantarellas were also used as stoppers for larger water jugs. The ring around the foot of this glass container is too wide for this, however. The glass is elaborately crafted with two colours and hollow-blown handles.
AccessionGift of Dirk Grolman, 2016
Inventory numberGl mkp 2016-35