Meeresstimmung bei rosafarbener Beleuchtung
Atmospheric Seascape in Pink Light
Kunstpalast - Horst Kolberg

Atmospheric Seascape in Pink Light, not dated

ArtistGerman Grobe, Hanau 1857–1938 Düsseldorf
Oil on canvas, mounted on cardboard
Dimensions without frame32 × 23,4 cm
on display, room 010.2
About the workWhile the clouds, water and sand in this painting are clearly distinguishable from one another, the sequence of different pastel colours makes the image seem almost abstract. German Grobe was one of a number of landscape painters in Düsseldorf who were primarily concerned with capturing and conveying calm moods. He spent a lot of time on the Dutch and Belgian coasts, where he observed people and landscapes – this study was probably painted there, too.
AccessionGift 2015
ProvenanceBis 2015 im Besitz der Nachfahren des Künstlers; 2015 erworben durch Schenkung von Eberhard Bieber, Enkel des Künstlers, Düsseldorf
Inventory numberM 2015-7
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