Winged altar
Kunstpalast - LVR-ZMB - Stefan Arendt/ARTOTHEK

Winged altar, completed in 1516

MediumLime, polychromy lost, frame partly renewed. Central panel placed on a plinth in the 19th century, crowning tendrils lost
(H x W x D)172 × 318 × 12 cm
Place of originOberrhein
on display, room 002
About the workThe altar originally belonged to the Dreikönigskapelle (Chapel of The Three Kings) in Baden in Aargau. Around 1811, the side altars of the chapel were removed and this altar initially ended up in the Berlin Museum. The three carved panels show biblical scenes from the childhood of Jesus: the adoration by the Magi (centre), the circumcision of Christ in the temple (bottom left), and the Holy Family (bottom right). Above them are two lesser-known mystical themes based on legends: the Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand and Mary paying homage to Jesus. The exterior features the Archangel Michael defeating a dragon – the symbol of evil – with God’s help.
AccessionAcquisition 1936
Provenance1516 – o.D. obere Beinhauskapelle, Kloster Wettingen in Baden im Aargau (Schweiz); […]; bis um 1821 Stadt Baden, Schweiz; um 1821 oder 1843 Johann Heinrich Speyr, Basel; […]; 1874 Deutsches Museum Berlin; […]; vor 10.1.1937 Johannes Hinrichsen, Bellevuestr. 5, Berlin; 10.1.1937 angekauft von Johannes Hinrichsen

Inventory numberP 1936-150