Johann Hus im Vorverhör zu Konstanz 1414/15 (Hus vor dem Konzil von Konstanz)
Johann Hus in the Preliminary Interrogation of Konstanz 1414/1415 (Hus in Front of the Council of Constance)
Kunstpalast - LVR-ZMB - Annette Hiller - ARTOTHEK

Johann Hus in the Preliminary Interrogation of Konstanz 1414/1415 (Hus in Front of the Council of Constance), 1845

ArtistCarl Friedrich Lessing, Wrocław 1808–1880 Karlsruhe
MediumOil on canvas
Dimensions without frame94 × 135,9 cm
Depicted locationKonstanz
not on display
About the workJan Hus worked as a priest in Prague around 1400 and criticised the pomposity of the Catholic Church. After refusing to recant his views during the interrogation represented here, he was executed. Carl Friedrich Lessing devoted several paintings to chronicling Hus’ life. During the disputes between Protestant Prussia and the Catholic Rhineland, which had belonged to Prussia since 1815, these artworks were exhibited out of political motives. Lessing himself is said not to have taken a clear stance on this.
AccessionGift 2012
Provenance[...]; evtl. 1851 Sammlung Generalkonsul Schletter, Leipzig; bis 1868 Sammlung Rudolf von Arthaber, Döbling b. Wien; 1868 Eduard Schulte, Düsseldorf, erworben durch Versteigerung der Sammlung Arthaber; 1869 - ? Sammlung Nicholas Longworth Jr., Cincinnati (nach Boetticher irrtüml. Joseph Longworth) erworben von Eduard Schulte; ?- bis 2012 Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Dauerleihgabe von Joanna Sturm (geb. 1946), Enkelin von Nicholas Longworth; 2012 erworben als Schenkung von Joanna Sturm

Inventory numberM 2012-1