Der Schieber
The Raketeer
Kunstpalast - ARTOTHEK

The Raketeer, 1920/21

ArtistHeinrich Maria Davringhausen, Aachen 1894–1970 Cagnes-sur-Mer
MediumOil on canvas
Allgemein120 × 120 cm
not on display
About the workA businessman is sitting at a desk. He stares blankly into space. In front of him is a full wine glass, next to it an open pack of cigars – one of which he has lit. In many of Heinrich Maria Davringhausen's paintings, there is an underlying criticism of the social conditions after the First World War. This painting, too, tells of a time when money-makers exploited scarcity and economic instability to their own advantage. A racketeer is a person who engages in illegal or semi-legal business, especially on the black market.
AccessionAcquisition 1976
Provenance[...]; 1961 Privatbesitz Aachen; [...]; 1967 Galerie Zwirner, Köln; [...]; mind. Herbst 1970 - 1976 im Besitz der Familie Freiherr Albrecht von Maltzahn, Gehrden/Hannover; August 1976 angekauft von der Familie von Maltzahn, Gehrden
Inventory number0.1976.14