Stuhl/Leiter "St. Louis"
"St. Louis" chair/ladder
Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Foto: LVR-ZMB - A. Hiller/ARTOTHEK

"St. Louis" chair/ladder, Design 1904, production 1988

DesignBruno Paul, Seifhennersdorf 1874–1968 Berlin
(H x W x D) (Stuhl)92 × 44 × 46 cm
(H x W x D) (Leiter)92 × 44 × 70 cm
on display, room 018.2
About the workAt the 1904 World’s Fair in Saint Louis, architect and designer Bruno Paul presented “Typenmöbel” (“type furniture”) for the first time. One example is this ladder chair, a seat and a stepladder in one that began to be produced in Munich in 1908. In 1924, Paul assumed management of the Vereinigte Staatsschulen für freie und angewandte Kunst (Academy for Applied and Fine Arts) in Berlin. While forced to leave the Prussian Academy of Arts in 1937, his later Nazi Party membership ensured his presence on the “Gottbegnadeten-Liste” – a list of artists deemed “gifted by God” and indispensable to Nazi culture – thus sparing him from wartime deployment.
AccessionAcquisition 1989
Provenance1988 hergestellt nach einem Entwurf von 1904; 2.7.1989 angekauft von den Vereinigten Werkstätten, München
Inventory numberP 1989-361