12 Blätter zur Geschichte des Predigers Gros, aus „Sophiens Reise von Memel nach Sachsen“
12 Sheets with "The Story of Preacher Gros", from "Sophie's Journey from Memel to Saxony"
Foto: Kunstpalast - LVR-ZMB - Stefan Arendt

12 Sheets with "The Story of Preacher Gros", from "Sophie's Journey from Memel to Saxony", 1776

ArtistDaniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki, Gdańsk 1726–1801 Berlin
State/print versionI. before text
Panel dimensions20,7 × 39,5 cm
Place of originBerlin
not on display
About the workThe twelve images depict scenes from Johann Timotheus Hermes’ novel “Sophiens Reise von Memel nach Sachsen” (Sophie’s Journey from Memel to Saxony), which has now been forgotten but was a bestseller in the 1770s. They were designed by the popular book illustrator Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki for a pocket diary. This print is a proof, which has not yet been inscribed. Such sheets with inscriptions were later trimmed down in order to fit the images into the book.
AccessionAcquisition 1955
Provenance[...]; Dezember 1955 angekauft von C.G. Boerner, Düsseldorf
Inventory numberK 1955-223