12 Blätter zur Geschichte des Predigers Gros, aus Sophiens Reise von Memel nach Sachsen
12 Sheets with "The Story of Preacher Gros", from "Sophie's Journey from Memel to Saxony"
Foto: Kunstpalast - LVR-ZMB - Stefan Arendt

12 Sheets with "The Story of Preacher Gros", from "Sophie's Journey from Memel to Saxony", 1776

Series title12 Sheets with "The Story of Preacher Gros", from "Sophie's Journey from Memel to Saxony"
ArtistDaniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki, Gdańsk 1726–1801 Berlin
MediumInk, probably applied with brush, traces of graphite
Sheet dimensions (bis zu)8,6 × 5,2 cm
Place of originBerlin
not on display
AccessionAcquisition 1924
Inventory numberK 1924-340 bis -351