Gedenkblatt zum Gesangwettstreit und Künstlerfest
Commemorative sheet for a song contest and artists' festival
Foto: Kunstpalast - LVR-ZMB - Joshua Esters

Commemorative sheet for a song contest and artists' festival, 1852

ArtistCaspar Johann Nepomuk Scheuren, Aachen 1810–1887 Düsseldorf
Sheet dimensions48,6 × 62 cm
not on display
About the workAt the Düsseldorf Singing Festival in August 1852, the composer Robert Schumann was a member of the jury judging a singing and composition competition. In the “Great Vocal and Instrumental Concert” he conducted the premiere of his “Julius Caesar Overture”. His wife Clara, whom Caspar Scheuren also immortalised by name in a banner, played the piano during the festivities. Architecture, landscape and groups of figures are artistically linked by arabesques that frame individual motifs such as the ceremonial hall, the marketplace and the garden with fireworks.
Provenance[...]; vor 10.7.1925 erworben (nachinventarisiert)
Inventory numberK 1925-408