Gedenkblatt zum 50-jährigen Priesterjubiläum des Papstes Pius IX.
Commemorative sheet for the 50th anniversary of the priesthood of Pope Pius IX.
Foto: Kunstpalast - LVR-ZMB - Joshua Esters

Commemorative sheet for the 50th anniversary of the priesthood of Pope Pius IX., 1869

ArtistJohann Baptist Wilhelm Adolf Sonderland, Düsseldorf 1805–1878 Düsseldorf
Artistnach Caspar Johann Nepomuk Scheuren, Aachen 1810–1887 Düsseldorf
ArtistMoritz Ulffers, Hamburg 1819–1902 Düsseldorf
Publishing houseC.F. Calow's Kunsthandlung, Köln, active ca. 1869–1883
DepictedPius IX., Papst, 1792–1878
MediumColour lithograph
Image dimensions48,8 × 33,7 cm
Sheet dimensions52,8 × 40,7 cm
not on display
About the workCaspar Scheuren’s commemorative print for the fiftieth anniversary of Pope Pius IX’s priesthood was created in 1869. The subject was 77 years old at the time. Above the oval medallion with the black-and-white portrait of the Pope is his coat of arms. On the bottom left, round medallions show the clergyman’s most important ecclesiastical postings; on the right are his theological works, such as the “Syllabus errorum”, a list published in 1864 of 80 statements he condemned as false. This included the freedom of conscience, which Pius IX described as “madness”.
AccessionAcquisition 1919
Provenance[...]; 1.5.1919 angekauft von Fritz Bürmann
Inventory numberK 1919-583
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