Gedenkblatt zur Goldenen Hochzeit von Kaiser Wilhelm I. und Augusta
Commemorative sheet for the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Emperor Wilhelm I and Augusta
Foto: Kunstpalast - LVR-ZMB - Joshua Esters

Commemorative sheet for the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Emperor Wilhelm I and Augusta, 1879

ArtistCaspar Johann Nepomuk Scheuren, Aachen 1810–1887 Düsseldorf
PublisherVerlag der Kunstanstalt v. A. Rossi, active ca. 1879 -1883
MediumColour lithograph, glued on portrait medallions printed in black and white (probably by another artist)
Image dimensions54,5 × 68,2 cm
Sheet dimensions55 × 68,2 cm
not on display
About the workCaspar Scheuren often carried out commissions for the Prussian royal family. His commemorative print for the golden wedding anniversary of Wilhelm I of Prussia and Augusta, née von Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, shows their respective national coats of arms above their portraits. Printed in black and white, their likenesses were probably not realised by Scheuren himself, but instead pasted into the medallions retrospectively.
AccessionAcquisition 1919
Provenance[...]; 1.5.1919 angekauft von Fritz Bürmann
Inventory numberK 1919-590