Bildnis Karl Immermann
Portrait of Karl Immermann
Kunstpalast - LVR-ZMB, Joshua Esters - ARTOTHEK

Portrait of Karl Immermann, 1828

ArtistWilhelm von Schadow, Berlin 1788–1862 Düsseldorf
DepictedKarl Leberecht Immermann, Magdeburg 1796–1840 Düsseldorf
MediumOil on canvas
Dimensions without frame72,5 × 72,8 cm
Dimensions with frame95 × 111 × 10 cm
on display, room 010.2
About the workThe Düsseldorf Art Academy director Wilhelm Schadow portrayed his friend Karl Immermann, a famous theatre maker and writer, as a prince of poetry in this painting. Although the face is realistic, the pose is reminiscent of an ancient ruler. Immermann was somewhat concerned that people might laugh at the exaggerated pose, but the picture was not a commissioned work; Schadow created it of his own volition and it remained in his possession. Immermann, in turn, dedicated his drama “Kaiser Friedrich II.” – featured in this image as a scroll – to Schadow that same year.
AccessionAcquisition 1892
Provenance1892 „Verein zur Errichtung einer Gemälde-Gallerie zu Düsseldorf“ angekauft aus dem Vermächtnis v. Sophie Hasenclever, geb. v. Schadow-Godenhaus, Tochter des Künstlers; 1913 übernommen in die Städtischen Kunstsammlungen zu Düsseldorf (heute Kunstpalast Düsseldorf)
Inventory numberM 4075