Kloster Cappenberg – Blick aus dem nördlichen Querhaus vom Chorgestühl in den Vierungsraum der Kirche
Cappenberg Abbey – View from the Northern Part of the Transept from the Choir Stalls into the Crossing of the Church
Kunstpalast - Horst Kolberg - ARTOTHEK

Cappenberg Abbey – View from the Northern Part of the Transept from the Choir Stalls into the Crossing of the Church, 1851

ArtistAndreas Achenbach, Kassel 1815–1910 Düsseldorf
MediumOil on canvas
Dimensions without frame65,7 × 54,8 cm
Dimensions with frame79,2 × 69,2 × 6 cm
Depicted locationCappenberg
on display, room 010.2
About the workAndreas Achenbach painted the church of Cappenberg Abbey from an atypical perspective. Instead of a view of the altar, he chose a position behind the choir stalls, which makes orientation difficult. The way the light falls draws the viewer’s gaze into the interior of the church. These monastery grounds in southern Münsterland had not been owned by the church since the beginning of the nineteenth century. At the time this painting was realised, they belonged to the noblewoman Therese vom Stein, who had inherited them from her father, the influential Prussian politician Karl Freiherr vom Stein.
AccessionAcquisition 1910
ProvenanceBis 1910 im Besitz des Künstlers; 1910 „Verein zur Errichtung einer Gemälde-Gallerie zu Düsseldorf“ angekauft vom Künstler; 1913 übernommen in die Städtischen Kunstsammlungen zu Düsseldorf (heute Kunstpalast Düsseldorf)
Inventory numberM 4000