Im Park der Villa Borghese
In the Park of Villa Borghese
Kunstpalast - Horst Kolberg - ARTOTHEK

In the Park of Villa Borghese, 1886

ArtistOswald Achenbach, Düsseldorf 1827–1905 Düsseldorf
MediumOil on twill
Dimensions without frame122 × 152 cm
Dimensions with frame141 × 169,5 cm
on display, room 016
About the workSince the seventeenth century, the park of the Villa Borghese in Rome has been a popular destination for locals and travellers alike. Four years after a visit to Rome, the Düsseldorf artist Oswald Achenbach executed this painting on the basis of sketches. Unlike earlier landscape paintings, the scene looks like a photographic snapshot. The villa can only be seen at the edge of the picture; the group of people in the foreground is cropped. What is important here is not so much the motif as capturing a mood. This testifies to Achenbach’s modernity.
AccessionAcquisition 1886
Provenance1886 „Verein zur Errichtung einer Gemälde-Gallerie zu Düsseldorf“ angekauft vom Künstler; 1913 übernommen in die Städtischen Kunstsammlungen zu Düsseldorf (heute Kunstpalast Düsseldorf)
Inventory numberM 4004