Stiller Tag
Silent Day
Kunstpalast - ARTOTHEK

Silent Day, 1902

ArtistMax Clarenbach, Neuss 1880–1952 Köln
Oil on canvas
(H x W)172 × 250 cm
on display, room 016
About the workThis large-format painting depicts a winter landscape on the Erft Canal, a tributary of the Lower Rhine. The picture received widespread recognition in 1902 at the trade fair that launched the Düsseldorf Kunstpalast as an exhibition space for contemporary art. A year later, the “Verein zur Errichtung einer Gemäldegalerie” (Association for the Establishment of a Picture Gallery) acquired the work, although the municipal art museum did not yet exist. In 1917, Max Clarenbach followed his teacher Eugen Dücker to the Düsseldorf Art Academy as a professor of landscape painting. The landscapes of the Lower Rhine remained his preferred subject.
AccessionAcquisition 1940
Provenance1903 angekauft durch den Galerieverein vom Künstler; o.D. übertragen an die Düsseldorfer Kunstsammlungen; o.D. Reichskriegerbund Duisburg erworben durch Schenkung von den Düsseldorfer Kunstsammlungen; 1940 zurückgekauft vom Reichskriegerbund Duisburg

Inventory number0.1940.4755
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