L´orge broc nacré
L´orge broc nacré
Foto: LVR-ZMB, Andreas Schiblon

L´orge broc nacré, ca. 1900-1903

Pitcher, "Barley, Pearly"
DesignÉmile Gallé, Nancy 1846–1904 Nancy
ExecutionCristallerie Gallé à Nancy, 1846–1936
MediumClear and coloured glass, overlay, blown, applied, iridized, cut
(H x Ø)29,7 × 15,9 cm
on display, room G09
About the workThe germination and fructification of barley is the theme of this beer jug: a sprouting shoot grows up the handle and the spout is in the form of an ear of cereal. The beer thus flows out of its raw material, so to speak. The spiral ribs on the walls have no botanical reference to the grain, but give the jug an organic, plant-like character. The shape and the pearly shimmer of the surface are reminiscent of Roman glass vessels that have been damaged by long periods of time in the ground. In 1903, this tankard was shown in a large exhibition of art from Lorraine in Paris.
AccessionGift of Helmut Hentrich, 1976
Inventory numberP 1976-78