Textseite mit dem Beginn des Johannesevangeliums
Text page with the Beginning of the Gospel of John
Foto: Kunstpalast - LVR-ZMB - Joshua Esters

Text page with the Beginning of the Gospel of John, ca. 1465–1500

Series titleBook of hours (page 19)
Illuminated manuscript on parchment
Sheet dimensions13,6 × 9,5 cm
Place of originFrance
not on display
About the workBooks of hours are personal prayer books. Their design and layout reflected the tastes of their owners. There are frequent recurring elements such as a calendar marking the feasts of the church year. On this double-page spread, the holy days of December are listed on the left. As the title indicates, the Gospel of John is on the right. In black script below are the words “In principio erat verbum” (“In the beginning was the Word”), the opening lines of this account of Christ’s life.
Accession Permanent loan of the Jutta Cuny-Franz Foundation since 2012
Provenance[...]; 2012 erhalten als Dauerleihgabe der Jutta-Cuny-Franz-Stiftung, Düsseldorf
Inventory numberK 2012-12_19
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