Die Heilige Familie auf einer Anhöhe vor einem Obeliskenstumpf
The Holy Family Passing the Stump of an Obelisk
Foto: Kunstpalast - Horst Kolberg

The Holy Family Passing the Stump of an Obelisk, 1750–1753

Series title originalLa Fuga in Egitto
Series titleThe Flight into Egypt (sheet 20)
ArtistGiovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Venezia 1727–1804 Venezia
State/print versionII/III
Sheet dimensions18,9 × 24,4 cm
Place of originWürzburg
not on display
About the workMary and Joseph are fleeing with the infant Jesus, because King Herod has ordered the execution of all the male children in the land. Herod has heard that a new king of the Jews is to be born. And so the family flees to Egypt. Their arduous journey was depicted in a series of 24 paintings by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, which were completed during the three years he spent in Würzburg with his father and brother. Unusual visual axes and perspectives as well as agitated lines create a dynamic in which the figure of Mary, clad in an ample robe, always appears as a source of peace.
AccessionCollection of the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Provenance[…]; seit 1932 Dauerleihgabe der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Inventory numberKA (FP) 8098 D
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